marți, 8 ianuarie 2008


The status of the “Voluntaries of the Normal School” Association

Chapter I: Name, juridical nature, address, duration and heritage

Art.1. The “Voluntaries of the Normal School” Association is a non-governmental organization, legal body of private law with no patrimonial goal, based on the promotion of civic values, of democracy, European citizenship, multiculture and multilinguism, formed and functioning due to the no 26 Decree from the 30th of January 2000, published in Monitorul Official Newspaper, no 39, from the 31 of January 2000.

Art.2. The decision of creating this organization was taken unanimously by its three founder members:
Alexandru Sevastian who lives in Iasi, str. Petru Poni nr.13 bl.573 A…..
Cosovanu Irina
Ungureanu Mihaela

Art.3. The headquarters of this association is located in Romania, Iasi, Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr.46

Art.4. The duration of the functioning of this association is undetermined, beginning with the date of its registration in the special register of the Court from Iasi.

Chapter II. The profile of its activity

Art. 5. The fields of activity are:
• The promotion of education and initial and continuous formation of quality needed for Elementary Education
• The promotion of the enterprising culture and the improvement of the working quality
• The development of modern and flexible labor market
• A long term promotion of the reintroduction of inactive people, of the young ones and of the unemployed on the labor market, including the ones from the rural areas
• The development of the social services and the improvement of the public service of occupation
• The easiness of the access to education and labor market for the vulnerable groups
• Instruction and education, professional formation
• The education of the family and parents
• Activities to protect the environment and ecology
• The development of the spirit and common partnership
• International collaboration and student exchange
• The discovery and exploitation of the folklore, of the national traditions and customs and the commercialization of the products made by the children in the workshops of the school
• The help offered to young and old people who have problems
• The promotion of the programs for economic development of the poor areas
• The organization of conferences and seminars for the development of abilities and/or getting the knowledge in the project elaboration and the needed assistance for writing them
• The creating and distribution of publications, internet services and voluntary community services
• Sporting and leisure time activities
Chapter 3: Goal, objectives and the existence of the association

Art.6. The goal of the association is:
• To contribute to the development of the Romanian education through projects proposed by the UE, World Bank or the Government of Romania
• The instruction and education of the graduated people through some projects of education
• The consolidation of decentralization and the rise of the school autonomy through the reinforcement of institutional capacities and a step-by-step delegation of the decision at a local level
• The consolidation of the school spirit, of the specializations and structures for teenagers in “Vasile Lupu” Normal School Iasi without any legal body (the student council, choirs, leisure tie clubs, the teachers’ association etc)
• The encouragement of the T.I.C. use and also the use of multimedia technologies
• The encouragement of voluntary work as a form of education and the instruction of young people

Art.7. General objectives of the association:
The purpose of the association is to sustain the major problems which exist in the educational system of Romania, the improvement of the students’ access to a high quality education through the rise of the autonomy and capacity of project elaboration and handling in school.

Art.8. Specific objectives of the association:
a) the improvement of the educational process
b) the rise of the intern efficiency of the school reflected in higher rate of graduation and passing from one educational level to another
c) the reinforcement of the school-community partnership and the improvement of the relationships with other schools, including the ones abroad
d) the creation of an internal dynamics of the school, including the easiness of a horizontal and vertical communication between the concerned agents (headmasters, teachers, students, inspectors) and the community they all belong to: parents, local authorities, economic agents, ONG etc)
e) the rise of the local capacity to manage the schools
f) the rise of the capacity to elaborate and handle projects

Art.9. Possible activities of the association:
a) The professional instruction of teachers and the offering of opportunities to develop in their career for the teachers and auxiliary staff through educational materials, TIC, books, equipment (for the school workshop), the access to virtual libraries, informational sources, chat, online training etc.
b) The assurance of the conditions needed for the development of education in order to decrease the rate of school abandonment and the creation of a high quality education, of a multilinguism as a way of cultural expression, which s one of the irrefragable principles of the European integration, part of the cultural diversity and richness of Europe.
c) The encouragement of the teaching-studying process reinforcement trough extracurricular activities (excursions, camps, visits to different places, exhibitions etc)
d) The decentralization and the rise of the autonomy degree of the educational system, at the level of the schools
e) The rise of the institutional capacity for the elaboration and handling of projects, the capacity improvement of policy elaboration by the educational authorities/ agencies from the local/central level
f) The use of UE funds for teenagers, the collecting of fund from the country and from abroad through different forms and legal means in order to sustain “Vasile Lupu” Normal School, its students, teachers, very good graduates, the integration of children with special needs in the educational system and of children whose parents work abroad and are in great need, the continuous and initial instruction of teenagers in order to be able to adapt to the new needs of the labor market
g) the making, in cooperation with the managerial team of “Vasile Lupu” Normal School, with the local institutions and with other sustainers and sponsors, of the main building and the recuperation of the school’s heritage, the publication of some scientific works related to the school history, the maintenance of the dendrological park declared as having local importance by the 8/1994 Ordinance of the Council from Iasi
h) The initiation and signing of private partnerships with other associations and non governmental organizations, with the local public administration, the easiness in exchanges made between the members of the association with other members of similar organizations as well as with natural or legal people who wish and can contribute to the achievement of the goals;
i) The creation of activities to sustain the students and graduates of “Vasile Lupu” Normal School Iasi as, for example: the continuous instructions of primary teachers, librarians, education instructors and educators
j) The development of some economic activities in order to sustain the activities of the association financially, in the law conditions.

sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2008

EVS=European Voluntary Service

Tinerii membri ai Asociatiei "Voluntarii Normalisti" pot accesa informatii privind Serviciul European de Voluntariat si numai prin intermediul Asociatiei noastre pot cere participarea la un program initiat de EVS. Iata cum se procedeaza.

1. Tanarul exprima in scris asociatiei din care face parte, dorinta de a se instrui/perfectiona intr-un domeniu, intr-o perioada in care sa nu-si intrerupa programul de formare (invatamant sau lucru).
Asociatia lanseaza prin forumul EVS o cerere de urmatorul tip:

Volunteer from Spain looking for EVS project
Posted by: "sorina nihta"
Fri Jan 4, 2008 11:57 pm (PST)
Dear Mrs/Ms,

I am Sorina Nihta, writing on behalf of Cazalla Intercultural Association, a
regional NGO located in Lorca, Spain. Our organization tries to promote the
mobility of youngsters so that they can live an international and
intercultural experience because we think that the best way to fight
intolerance and racism € ’¶ very significant topics in Spanish society and not
only€ ’¶ usually consists in opening minds.

Consequently we also function as sending and hosting EVS organization.

Currently we are looking for an EVS hosting project for a very motivated and
responsible girl named Olga Mu€ ñoz. She is interested in working in the field
of art and culture, outdoor activities and children education, preferably in
an english speaking country.

So i am writing to ask if you have vacancies for your project and if you
would be interested in seeing her application for the 1st of February
deadline. I am attaching her CV but feel free to ask for further information
if you are interested.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Sorina Nihta

Sorina Nihta
Asociaci€ ón Cazalla Intercultural
www.cazalla- intercultural. org
EVS Volunteer
sorinaid@yahoo. com
+34 697 457 811

Fiecare dintre asociatiile gazda vor trebui sa asigure conditii de cazare, masa si lucru/instruire conform contractului ce se incheie intre asociatii. Asociatia expeditoare ii plateste toate cheltuielile de deplasare, cazare, masa, studiu fie din fonduri proprii fie printr-un proiect aprobat spre finantare de catre Agentia Nationala a tarii de provenienta a voluntarului.
Beneficiile sunt repurtate in primul rand de voluntar prin experienta acumulata.

2. Altfel, asociatia viitoare gazda anunta un numar de locuri pentru care poate asigura conditii de instruire intr-o profesie in anumite limite si conditii ca de exemplu:

15 places available for a group EVS project in Romania
Posted by: "Sorin Roman" sorinrvictor
Fri Jan 4, 2008 11:56 pm (PST)

Ofensiva Tinerilor and Millennium Center organizations announce a round of selection for an EVS group project in Romania for volunteers on Youth in Action Programme.

Number of EI reference: EI - 2007-RO-6, Ofensiva Tinerilor, as a host organisation.

Looking for volunteers for the EVS group project:

Branding Europe - Celebrating Diversity

Period of the stage: 6 months, starting in June 2008 for one group. Number of volunteers: 15.

The volunteers will be involved in:

a.. developing specific youth activites in youth centers from Romania, in 6 counties (Rosia Montana, Bucuresci and Abrud - Alba county, Arad - Arad county, Zemes-Bacau county, Schela-Galati county, Albeni-Gorj county, Suplacu de Barcau-Hunedoara county) ; The volunteers will have the possibility to be engaged in more than one place, they can have the project in a few communities, during the project.

b.. preparing promotional materials for rural areas , promoting local arts and cultures;

c.. setting up local museums, preparing local public debates with some autorities and stakeholders, recording local songs, stories, dances;

d.. implementing Corporate Social Responsibility activities;

e.. facilitating the access of the children from 10 kindergartens to the European cultural diversity volunteers helping children to create songs, play games, learn words from a foreign language, prepare theatrical plays, participate in different contests, etc.

Daily work is scheduled for 4-6 hours/day. Our volunteers are encouraged to come with new ideas, youth initiative, or other kind of projects which can be suitable with our organization.

Volunteers' age: 18 - 29. A normal level of English is advisable to exist.

If you are interested please send a CV with photo and a motivational letter to ofensivatinerilor@ before 15th of January 2007 (preferable as soon as possible). You are sure that your application is received by us when you get a confirmation email so if you do not have it perhaps there are some problems with emails so try again. As soon as I have an email from interested persons I will send more detalies about procedure, steps, etc.

If you have any questions you can contact us at ofensivatinerilor@ or 0040722977094, 0040 722 811301, 0040 357 408524, Sorin and Daniel.

Organizations are especially encouraged to apply with more than one volunteers if they have more persons interested in these projects. Also, for organisations: if you want to became partner in the project but you would like to identify the volunteers later, you can do it if you send us Part III.

Take care, according to the Youth in Action rules every sending organisation located in a Programme Country or in a SEE Country must be accredited and have a reference to an approved Expression of Interest (EI).

Other detalies for the project:We are looking for volunteers from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine. We are also open to host volunteers from other countries according with Youth in Action Programme rules.

Our volunteers are going to be a member of a youth team and he/she will work in a Intercultural environment, non-formal, helping to:

a.. Improve his abilities to work in a team

b.. Learn a new language, getting information about another culture;

c.. Improve his level of tolerance and understanding;

d.. Improve his knowledge about European opportunities in Youth field;

So, our volunteers are going to put his contribution in opening new opportunities for the young people from our local community.

The mentor will have a regular meeting with our volunteer and also every time when is needed.

We are going to organize different evaluation sessions with programme coordinator and also with the mentor to see results and difficulties which appeared and if there are some problems, to be solved. These sessions will take place once in a two weeks period. Also, in connection with objectives which we had, at the end of the project we can make a final evaluation which can be very useful for our organization and our volunteer.

Food: In a discussion with our volunteers we will establish the best option for her/him, choosing from opportunities which we are going to give: food from a local canteen, in an university or high school, food from month allowance in he/she wants to prepare himself/herself the meals ;

Organisations description: Ofensiva Tinerilor: (EI - 2007-RO-6)

The association Ofensiva Tinerilor is a youth organization of the Romanian citizens who are a Polish national minority and it was founded in September 2004, an organization whose activities take place in the intercultural area and in the area of protecting the rights and the culture of the Polish community from Romania.

The association Ofensiva Tinerilor in the area of protecting the human rights is developing a program of information, consulting and supervising regarding the citizens' right to express and assume without any restrictions their ethno-cultural and religious identity according to the Convention- frame regarding the protection of the national minorities and the other documents and international documents concerning this field.

The association OFENSIVA TINERILOR is involved in partnerships with other youth structures, and its members participated several times in activities such as youth exchanges mainly in Poland. Hence, the members of our organization have a very rich intercultural experience being volunteers or participants to many activities even in the frame of some non-governmental and civic youth organizations as The Romanian Scouts, Millennium Center, AEGEE etc.

Other activities:

a.. Participating in youth exchanges in Europe and also organizing youth exchanges in Romania;

b.. Promoting european values in Highschools, in Arad county,

3. Sau, o asociatie pote propune altor asociatii intalniri de pregatire de proiecte pe anumite teme, de instruire sau formare sau pentru formarea unor grupuri de lucru interesate de proiecte ce vor fi proiectate pe perioade lungi de timp. Exemplu:

Networking project
Posted by: "ftasec2003" ftasec2003
Fri Jan 4, 2008 11:56 pm (PST)
ACTION 4.3 Networking project.

Title: Intercultural Dialogue on non-formal education:Training the
teenagers for the future projects.

Period: 15 May 2008-30 November 2009.

Aim:The project aim is to develop teenagers mobilities and
participation to european projects through intercuoltural dialogue.


1. Feasibility visit-2 participants fromevery partner group.
Duration:2 days without travel days.
Aim:to improve and develop existing cooperation and to prepare the
future activities in the project and future project witrhin Youth in
Action Programme.
Date:24-26 July 2008.
Cost:30% from travel fees.
The accomodation and meals are provided by EU.
Place:Rm,Valcea( Romania)

2.Training course-3,5 participants from every partner group.
Duration:8 days whitout travel days.
Aim:to train teenagers in the futture youth activities.
Date:30 September-7 October 2008.
Cost:30% from travel fees.
50 Euro for social activities
The accomodation and meals is provide by EU.
Place:Rm.Valcea( Romania)

3. Seminar-3 participants from every partner group.
Duration:7 days without travel days.
Aim:to prepare a platform for dissemination and exchange of good
practices. In the youth field.
Date:5-12 March 2009.
Cost:30% from travel fees.
The accomodation and meals are provide by EU.
Place:1 of the partner country.

3.Training course-€ ¦’¤Youth Innovation for quality in EU programmes": 3,5
participants from every partner group.
Duration:8 days without travel.
Aim:training the teenagers ,youth workers,youth leaders.
Cost:30 % from travel fees.
50 Euro for social program.
The accomodation and meals are provided by EU
Date:15 -22 June 2009
Place:Rm.Valcea( Romania)

5.Evaluation meeting.- 2 participants from every partner group.
Duration:5 days without travel days.
Aim:the evaluate the whole project and prepare a evaluation platform
for youth projects.
Date:5-10 september 2009.
Cost:30%from travel fees.
The accomodation and food are provided by EU.
Place:1 of the partner country.

Va asteptam sa va inscrieti in AVN (Asociatia "Voluntarii Normalisti") dupa care sa incercam un schimb de voluntari Youth Act 1 sau un proiect de formare intr-o tara straina adica finantabil pe linia Youth Act 2.

joi, 3 ianuarie 2008


Dragi prieteni,

In 2008, CENTRAS si-a propus sa fie mult mai prezent la nivel local si regional si sa contribuie la dinamizarea vietii interne a sectorului asociativ din Romania. Prin misiunea sa, CENTRAS urmareste dezvoltarea sectorului asociativ din Romania si recunoasterea sa ca actor principal in viata sociala.
Impreuna cu partenerii nostri, vom organiza sesiuni de informare, instruiri si dezbateri publice in mai multe orase ale tarii. Vom colecta informatii despre organizatiile neguvernamentale si partenerii lor, vom incuraja dezvoltarea de parteneriate eficiente cu administratia locala, vom sustine promovarea activitatii ONGurilor la nivel local si central, atat in mass-media, cat si in prin intermediul publicitatii outdoor. Vom organiza a doisprezecea editie a forumului national al organizatiilor neguvernamentale si vom acorda asistenta pentru organizarea forumurilor locale.
Prestigiul organizatiei dumneavoastra ne determina sa va rugam sa acceptati propunerea de a stabili o colaborare informala, atat in sustinerea intereselor sectorului asociativ, cat si in asigurarea unei comunicari bilaterale constante. Orice informatie despre activitatile pe care le desfasurati este binevenita, putand fi publicata in revista Atitudini, cat si pe portalul e-agora ( ) . De asemena, devenind membru pe site-ul donatiionline ( ), puteti beneficia de serviciile gratuite oferite de CENTRAS.
Pentru ca proiectele noastre sa isi atinga obiectivele, avem nevoie sa lucram impreuna cu liderii locali ai sectorului neguvernamental. Participarea dumneavoastra la activitatile pe care noi le vom initia in acest an reprezinta un factor important pentru reusita proiectelor CENTRAS.
Acest mesaj reprezinta totodata si o invitatie de participare la primul dintre proiectele pe care le desfasuram in acest an: sprijinim Institutul pentru Politici Publice, in evaluarea activitatii alesilor publici din municipiul dumneavoastra. In acest sens, va transmitem mesajul si rugamintea partenerilor nostri, si va ruugam sa le dati curs.

Cu prietenie,
Viorel Micescu Cristina Mastacan Ion Olteanu
Director Executiv Coordonator de proiecte Coordonator de proiecte

Institutul pentru Politici Publice (IPP) – Bucuresti, organizatie neguvernamentala implicata activ in elaborarea de recomandari privind imbunatatirea cadrului legal si a politicilor publice din Romania desfasoara in prezent un proiect de cercetare ce doreste sa atraga atentia opiniei publice asupra activitatii desfasurate de consilierii locali din 25 de municipii din Romania,[1] de-a lungul mandatului 2004 – 2008. Proiectul este finantat de Balkan trust for Democracy si doreste sa realizeze o evaluare obiectiva a activitatii consilierilor locali din aceste orase atat pe baza unor informatii oficiale oferite de primarii cat si pe baza notelor acordate acestora de catre actorii locali ai societătii civile.
De aceea, prin intermediul organizatiei partenere in acest proiect - CENTRAS -, IPP va roaga sa completati urmatorul chestionar privind activitatea consilierilor locali din orasul dvs., pentru a ne oferi perspectiva societatii civile asupra acestora.

Va rugam ca odata completat, chestionarul sa fie retrimis la urmatoarea adresa de email – sau prin fax la numarul 021 223 00 12, catre CENTRAS.

Pentru orice fel de intrebări va stam la dispozitie si va rugam sa ne contactati: Adriana Bunea, Coordonator programe, 021 212 3126/27 sau

Cu multumiri,
Institutul pentru Politici Publice - Bucuresti
Str. Sfintii Voievozi nr. 55, sector 1