Incepand din 2 mai 2007, ENAR-Romania este membru, in calitate de Coordonator National in ENAR - "European Network Against Racism", retea prezenta in toate tarile membre UE.
ENAR este un corp consultativ al Comisiei Europene, care detine un punct de vedere cheie in dezbaterile pe marginea protectiei impotriva discriminarii din ratiuni de religie, de convingeri si de discriminare multipla, dar si in punerea in practica a experientelor noastre vizavi de implementarea directivei EU referitoare la egalitatea
raselor, vizand actiuni pozitive, compensatii, sanctiuni etc.
Strategia ENAR pentru 2007-2010 cuprinde trei linii de actiune:
(1) combaterea discriminarii, promovarea egalitatii si reducerea dezavantajelor,
(2) promovarea drepturilor migrantilor si a practicilor si politicilor de integrare a acestora,
(3) nevoia de a ne asigura ca anti-rasismul va continua sa se bucure de o atentie deosebita in activitatea pentru protectia drepturilor omului si promovarea egalitatii.
Conditia impusa de ENAR pentru a deveni membru este de a se constitui o retea nationala formata din ONG-uri care lupta impotriva discriminarii sau pentru protectia drepturilor omului in general, activitatile de lobby si advocacy desfasurate de ENAR la nivelul institutiilor europene si rolul sau de punte de legatura intre retelele ENAR nationale.
ENAR-Romania lupta pentru combaterea discriminarii si promovarea diversitatii si egalitatii de sanse pentru toti. In cadrul acestei retele informale:
- stimulam cooperarea si schimbul de informatii intre membri si dintre acestia cu ENAR
- identificam puncte de interes pentru a actiona prin mijloace specifice la nivel european si national, in domeniul combaterii discriminarii si promovarii diversitatii si egalitatii de sanse pentru toti.
In conformitate cu articolul 4 Statutul ENAR, membrii pot fi organizatii neguvernamentale care:
- sunt constituite si functioneaza conform legii romane privind asociatiile si fundatiile;
- desfasoara activitati de lupta impotriva discriminarii si promovarii diversitatii si egalitatii de sanse;
- subscriu la misiunea ENAR;
- sunt acceptati de catre Coordonarea Nationala, conform procedurii de mai jos.
Nu pot avea calitatea de membru:
- organizatiile afiliate direct unui partid politic;
- organizatiile cu caracter discriminator, fascist, rasist sau xenofob, conform legii romane;
- persoanele fizice.
Daca doriti sa deveniti membru al ENAR Romania, va invitam sa adresati o solicitare Secretariatului acestuia, descarcand in prealabil formularul de la adresa urmatoare:
Aceasta solicitare va fi comunicata de catre Secretariat prin e-mail tuturor membrilor Coordonarii Nationale. Daca in termen de 30 zile nu se inregistreaza nici o contestatie din partea vreunui membru, atunci organizatia in cauza devine membru al ENAR Romania.
Organizatiile care fac parte pana acum din ENAR Romania sunt:
- Agentia de Monitorizare a Presei, APADOR-CH,
- Asociatia ACCEPT,
- Asociatia Cultura Pacii,
- Asociatia Romilor "Egalitate de sanse" Tulcea,
- Asociatia Sens Pozitiv,
- Centrul Educatia 2000+,
- Centrul FILIA,
- Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturala,
- Centrul de Resurse Juridice,
- Centrul Regional PER,
- Consiliul National Roman pentru Refugiati,
- Institutul pentru Politici Publice,
- Romani CRISS.
Pentru detalii privind activitatea ENAR, puteti consulta site-ul
Pentru orice informatii suplimentare, va rugam sa contactati :
Michael Privot,
Senior Campaigns & Networking Officer
ENAR, European Network Against Racism
Tel: +32-2-229.35.76
Fax: +32-2-229.35.75
Ioana Niang
Asociatia Cultura Pacii
Membru in Policy and Lobbying Committee al ENAR
Mobil: 0723910862
Who can become Member of ENAR?
Members of ENAR can be all types of non-governmental organisations (groups, trade unions, charitable organisations, specialist bodies, grassroots organisations, etc.) which conduct anti-racism related work at local, regional, national or European level. They must subscribe to the mission and vision of ENAR ( and should be accepted as members by the relevant National Coordination (for national organisations) or the European Coordination (for European and international organisations). Applying organisations should be legally constituted in accordance with the laws and practices of their country of origin. Individuals cannot become affiliated members of ENAR.
For a complete version of ENAR’s Statutes, go to
If your organisation wishes to become member of ENAR, please e-mail or fax the below registration form to:
ENAR Secretariat
43 rue de la Charité
B-1210 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32 2 229 3 570
Fax +32 2 229 3 575
Full Name of the organisation
| A.V.N. |
Contact Person
| Alexandru Sevastian domiciliat in Iasi, identificat cu BI seria MX nr.228982/Mun.Iasi/07/09/01, CNP 1511011221189 |
Full address
| str.Petru Poni nr.13 Bl.573A, sc.A Ap.12 Iasi |
Country | Romania |
Tel | telefon / fax: +40232 219011 |
Fax | telefon / fax: +40232 219011 |
E-mail | |
Website | |
The Secretariat will forward the form to the appropriate National Coordination.
Please provide a short description of your organisation’s activities on a separate page.
The status of the “Voluntaries of the Normal School” AssociationChapter I: Name, juridical nature, address, duration and heritage
Art.1. The “Voluntaries of the Normal School” Association is a non-governmental organization, legal body of private law with no patrimonial goal, based on the promotion of civic values, of democracy, European citizenship, multiculture and multilinguism, formed and functioning due to the no 26 Decree from the 30th of January 2000, published in Monitorul Official Newspaper, no 39, from the 31 of January 2000.
Chapter II. The profile of its activity
Art. 5. The fields of activity are:
• The promotion of education and initial and continuous formation of quality needed for Elementary Education
• The promotion of the enterprising culture and the improvement of the working quality
• The development of modern and flexible labor market
• A long term promotion of the reintroduction of inactive people, of the young ones and of the unemployed on the labor market, including the ones from the rural areas
• The development of the social services and the improvement of the public service of occupation
• The easiness of the access to education and labor market for the vulnerable groups
• Instruction and education, professional formation
• The education of the family and parents
• Activities to protect the environment and ecology
• The development of the spirit and common partnership
• International collaboration and student exchange
• The discovery and exploitation of the folklore, of the national traditions and customs and the commercialization of the products made by the children in the workshops of the school
• The help offered to young and old people who have problems
• The promotion of the programs for economic development of the poor areas
• The organization of conferences and seminars for the development of abilities and/or getting the knowledge in the project elaboration and the needed assistance for writing them
• The creating and distribution of publications, internet services and voluntary community services
• Sporting and leisure time activities
Chapter 3: Goal, objectives and the existence of the association
Art.6. The goal of the association is:
• To contribute to the development of the Romanian education through projects proposed by the UE, World Bank or the Government of Romania
• The instruction and education of the graduated people through some projects of education
• The consolidation of decentralization and the rise of the school autonomy through the reinforcement of institutional capacities and a step-by-step delegation of the decision at a local level
• The consolidation of the school spirit, of the specializations and structures for teenagers in “Vasile Lupu” Normal School Iasi without any legal body (the student council, choirs, leisure tie clubs, the teachers’ association etc)
• The encouragement of the T.I.C. use and also the use of multimedia technologies
• The encouragement of voluntary work as a form of education and the instruction of young people
Art.7. General objectives of the association:
The purpose of the association is to sustain the major problems which exist in the educational system of Romania, the improvement of the students’ access to a high quality education through the rise of the autonomy and capacity of project elaboration and handling in school.
Art.8. Specific objectives of the association:
a) the improvement of the educational process
b) the rise of the intern efficiency of the school reflected in higher rate of graduation and passing from one educational level to another
c) the reinforcement of the school-community partnership and the improvement of the relationships with other schools, including the ones abroad
d) the creation of an internal dynamics of the school, including the easiness of a horizontal and vertical communication between the concerned agents (headmasters, teachers, students, inspectors) and the community they all belong to: parents, local authorities, economic agents, ONG etc)
e) the rise of the local capacity to manage the schools
f) the rise of the capacity to elaborate and handle projects
Art.9. Possible activities of the association:
a) The professional instruction of teachers and the offering of opportunities to develop in their career for the teachers and auxiliary staff through educational materials, TIC, books, equipment (for the school workshop), the access to virtual libraries, informational sources, chat, online training etc.
b) The assurance of the conditions needed for the development of education in order to decrease the rate of school abandonment and the creation of a high quality education, of a multilinguism as a way of cultural expression, which s one of the irrefragable principles of the European integration, part of the cultural diversity and richness of Europe.
c) The encouragement of the teaching-studying process reinforcement trough extracurricular activities (excursions, camps, visits to different places, exhibitions etc)
d) The decentralization and the rise of the autonomy degree of the educational system, at the level of the schools
e) The rise of the institutional capacity for the elaboration and handling of projects, the capacity improvement of policy elaboration by the educational authorities/ agencies from the local/central level
f) The use of UE funds for teenagers, the collecting of fund from the country and from abroad through different forms and legal means in order to sustain “Vasile Lupu” Normal School, its students, teachers, very good graduates, the integration of children with special needs in the educational system and of children whose parents work abroad and are in great need, the continuous and initial instruction of teenagers in order to be able to adapt to the new needs of the labor market
g) the making, in cooperation with the managerial team of “Vasile Lupu” Normal School, with the local institutions and with other sustainers and sponsors, of the main building and the recuperation of the school’s heritage, the publication of some scientific works related to the school history, the maintenance of the dendrological park declared as having local importance by the 8/1994 Ordinance of the Council from Iasi
h) The initiation and signing of private partnerships with other associations and non governmental organizations, with the local public administration, the easiness in exchanges made between the members of the association with other members of similar organizations as well as with natural or legal people who wish and can contribute to the achievement of the goals;
i) The creation of activities to sustain the students and graduates of “Vasile Lupu” Normal School Iasi as, for example: the continuous instructions of primary teachers, librarians, education instructors and educators
j) The development of some economic activities in order to sustain the activities of the association financially, in the law conditions.
We hereby declare that our organisation wishes to become member of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR).
Date and Signature 2008-07-04________Alexandru Sevastian__________
ASOCIAŢIA "VOLUNTARII NORMALIŞTI" a primit urmatorul raspuns:
Dear Sebastian,
I would like to thank you first for your interest in ENAR and its activities and for sharing our vision of a Europe free of racism.
I forward immediately your application form to our Board member for Romania who will take contact with you to inform you about the next steps of your application process.
In the meantime, don't hesitate to come back to me should you need any further information.
Best regards,
Michael Privot,
Senior Campaigns & Networking Officer
ENAR, European Network Against Racism
43, rue de la Charité,
B-1210 Brussels, Belgium

Fax: +32-2-229.35.75
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